Wednesday, November 9, 2016

2016 JSOR, Beaverton, OR: Christianity, God, and the Future of Religion

Joseph Bessler and David Galston presented at our Jesus Seminar on the Road, November 4-5, 2016. Both scholars were generous in allowing me permission to post their powerpoint presentations and accompanying audio.

The event was entitled, Christianity, God, and the Future of Religion.

Here is more information about Westar "Home of the Jesus Seminar."

Friday Night Session:  David Galston, "Introducing the Historical Jesus"
Powerpoint    Audio

Saturday 9:30 am Session: Joseph Bessler, "How Jesus Became Plato and God a Platonist"
Powerpoint    Audio

Saturday 11 am Session: Joseph Bessler, "The Historical Jesus and the Rise of Modern Civil Society"
Powerpoint   Audio

Saturday 1:30 pm Session:  David Galston, "Trajectories for God's Human Future"
Powerpoint    Audio

You might also be interested in their books:

David Galston, Embracing the Human Jesus: A Wisdom Path for Contemporary Christianity

Interview with David about this book on Religion For Life

David Galston, God's Human Future: The Struggle to Define Theology Today

Interview with David about this book on Progressive Spirit

Joseph Bessler, A Scandalous Jesus:  How Three Historic Quests Changed Theology for the Better

Two-part interview with Joseph about this book on Religion For Life.  Part One & Part Two

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

JSOR 2016, Beaverton, David Galston, Trajectories for God's Human Future

For many both in and outside the Church, traditional Christianity has faltered. It no longer addresses the important questions of life. In place of the tradition there have arisen new ways to consider religion, Christianity, and the value of God in human experience. This session seeks to open a conversation on God's human future.  Here is the audio that accompanies the powerpoint.


JSOR 2016, Beaverton, Joe Bessler, The Historical Jesus and the Rise of Modern Civil Society

Interest in the historical Jesus returned with the modern period and new debates over the control of modern civil society. As established churches began to lose their status and control, they closed the door on secular reasoning and historical Jesus scholarship. How wise was that decision?  Here is the audio that accompanies the powerpoint.


JSOR 2016, Beaverton: Joseph Bessler, How Jesus Became Plato and God a Platonist

After the earliest period of pluralism, Christianity took the form of Christian orthodoxy.  This form is found in the Nicene Creed and still remains the basic expression of Christianity today.  Problematically, this form of Christianity is not based on the teaching of Jesus but hte philosophy of Plato.  How did Jesus become Plato and God a Platonist?  Here is the audio.

JSOR 2016 Beaverton. David Galston, "Introducing the Historical Jesus"

Here is the powerpoint from David Galston's Friday night lecture. The Christian gospels express beliefs about Jesus. They do not reflect what the Jesus of history had to say. But, fortunately, they do preserve traces of what he really did say. In this opening session, David Galston will distinguish biblical theologies about a divine Jesus from the theology of the human Jesus.

 Here is the audio.